
Welcome to the web site of Mutahid Development Finance Institution.

+(93) 729999093

About Mutahid

Mutahid Devlopment Finance Institution, established in April 2011 and one of the leading microfinance institutions in Afghanistan, is dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs and driving economic growth. Through our Shariah compliant financial solutions, comprehensive guidance, and commitment to financial inclusion, we are transforming the landscape of entrepreneurship in the country. Join us as we continue to make a positive impact, one business at a time.



Since our establishment in April 2011, we have been dedicated to providing tailored financial solutions and guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs, fueling local economies and fostering a culture of entrepreneurship across the country.


Our Commitment to Entrepreneurship:

At Mutahid DFI, we understand the unique challenges faced by start-up businesses and the crucial role they play in economic development. That's why we are committed to empowering entrepreneurs with the necessary tools, resources, and Shariah compliant financial products to transform their ideas into thriving enterprises.


Stimulating Local Economies:

Through our Shariah compliant financial products, we have played a vital role in stimulating local economies across Afghanistan. By providing access to capital and comprehensive guidance, we have enabled countless start-ups to grow and create employment opportunities, driving sustainable economic growth in the communities we serve.


Promoting Financial Inclusion:

Mutahid is committed to promoting financial inclusion and reducing the gender gap in access to finance. We recognize the significant contributions of women entrepreneurs in driving economic growth, and we have implemented specific initiatives to support their aspirations. By providing equal opportunities and empowering female entrepreneurs, we are creating a more inclusive and prosperous society.


Recognition and Impact:

Through our unwavering commitment and impactful initiatives, Mutahid has gained widespread recognition both nationally and internationally. Our success stories serve as inspiration for others to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams, and our contributions to job creation and poverty alleviation have been acknowledged on various platforms.


Join Us in Building a Prosperous Future:

Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur seeking financial support or an investor looking to contribute to Afghanistan's economic growth, Mutahid welcomes you to join our journey. Together, we can build a prosperous future, empower entrepreneurs, and drive sustainable development across Afghanistan.






Our Vision

 'To be a world-class financial services organization that provides products and value-added services to the economically challenged, helping them generate higher incomes, build an asset base and achieve a sustainably better standard of living.'

Our Mission

'To offer financial services to and create opportunities for, Afghan entrepreneurs, through an operationally self-sustainable and innovative development finance institution.'
